glucose test

Monday, June 11, 2007

I attended a glucose test

Clinic are giving a free glucose test to their regular patients twice in every month as it is very important for everyone who is above 40 to know their levels of blood glucose. It is also very goods for patients who suffers from diabetes to have their regullary check up in the clinic. Knowing what their blood glucose levels are makes a person in a better position to manage the disease

I attended a glucose test three weeks ago for the first of my life from a clinic which I usually go. I was ask not to take any things a night before around nine to ten o'clock. The next morning I was at the clinic waiting for my turns to had my glucose test. When my turns was called, I was ask to urine in a small bottle and my weight and height was then taken. Follow up the doctor take my blood pressure and join the queue to have two small bottle of my blood taken. After three weeks the nurse imformed me that my glucose test was very good and I am free of all disease.
